A Different Kind Of Fitness
We are all bombarded by influencers, personal trainers and gyms for ways to keep ourselves physically fit, but what about mental fitness? Just like the body needs exercise, so does your mind to keep in tip-top shape. Forbes defines it as “Your measurable ability to engage constructively in life and work every day, no matter what stressors you encounter. You can consistently respond to challenges with optimal performance at the moment and minimal recovery time afterwards.”
There are many benefits of keeping mentally fit. The obvious one is greater focus, improved memory and concentration and better communication. It also leads to increased mindfulness and the ability to be present which leads to developing deeper and more meaningful relationships.
Your positive emotions also increase, which allows you to be more compassionate, and reframe thoughts and it improves your general outlook and attitude to any adversity you face. Your self-esteem and efficacy (confidence) also escalate. There are also physical effects such as improved quality of sleep.
There are a few ways to increase your mental fitness but the ultimate exercise is meditation. Meditation is essentially the ability to observe and detach from your thoughts. Even ten or fifteen minutes a day can make a significant difference. Just a reminder that meditation doesn’t mean you need to blank out all thoughts completely but rather to observe and dismiss them as they pop up – it can be daunting but start slow and short and build from there. Let go of your expectations and run with the experience.
You can also try these five things to make a difference:
- Get physical – the mind & body are interlinked and physical exercise can relieve stress and tension. This doesn’t mean you need to run 10 kilometres every day but instead move your body in a way that feels good to you. Find something you enjoy doing and stick with that!
- Eat and drink to support your gut health – your brain needs water to stay hydrated and function properly and your gut plays a huge role in your mental health. The bacteria in your gut communicate with other systems in your body, notably the nervous system. Hence when you’re nervous you may feel nauseous or have butterflies in your tummy!
- Continue to be grateful – keeping a gratitude diary helps shift your consciousness into a more positive space which correlates to a healthier and more optimistic way of living. Writing down what you are grateful for comes from a place of abundance. If you’re focusing on the negative constantly, you will be coming from a place of lack which will automatically set you in a defeatist and pessimistic mindset, holding you back from any improvements and motivation.
- Be in a growth mindset – keep a growth mindset and step out of your comfort zone constantly. Think about when children start learning to walk. They have to try and try again as they get used to the sensation and practise the movements over and over. Failure teaches you resilience as you as in a state of learning, stretching and growing yourself to become stronger
and more capable. - Do your inner work – just as you would do physical exercise, do mental exercise by checking in with your emotions, goals and values. Take stock and make improvements in the way you interact with others.
You may wonder why you would put so much effort into your mental fitness, there are many results that enable you to live a happier more joyful life. Imagine feeling like you’re gliding through your day instead of struggling through it. Increase your mental fitness and you will be more mindful and present in your interactions with others, enhancing your personal relationships.

You will have more control over your automatic reactions – you behave more rationally and less emotionally in most situations. Your focus, processing, memory, time management and a number of other mental functions improve with mental clarity as a result of increased mental fitness. Build yourself a mental fitness program so that you can maintain consistency and practise throughout your week, month, and year and eventually it becomes a habit that you can maintain for the rest of your life.
Be in a learning mindset, it keeps you young!